Nowhere else in the house does this question arise. There is a widespread idea that the presence of plants in the bedroom is not recommended. We will look for an explanation for this position and present arguments (and plants) to defend that the presence of plants in the bedroom of our houses is not only advised but is recommended.
Plants make their food through a process called photosynthesis. In this process, which only occurs in the light presence, plants consume carbon dioxide (CO2) and release oxygen (O2). The gas we breathe and which is essential to human and animal life.
It turns out plants also breathe and, like us, do so regardless of the light presence, consuming O2 and releasing CO2.
During the day, plants release much more oxygen than they consume, renewing the air. However, at night, without the light needed for photosynthesis, plants compete with us for oxygen consumption and release carbon dioxide, potentially worsening air quality. It's a fact. This is probably the basis for the general advice not to have plants in the bedroom.
However, one detail remains to be added: The quantities in question. A recent study revealed that a square meter of leaf surface releases only 125 milliliters of carbon dioxide, while a human being releases 15 to 30 liters of carbon dioxide per hour, about a hundred times more. This means that it is necessary to turn a bedroom into a veritable jungle for the effects of plants to be felt or, from another point of view, it will be more harmful to sleep in the company of a human being or animal than with a companion plant in the bedroom.

Having demystified the idea that plants worsen the air quality in the bedroom at night (at least more than another human being or animal), we now list some of the benefits that their presence entails.
The release of oxygen by plants during the day, in clearly excessive amounts compared to the corresponding consumption of carbon dioxide, effectively improves the air quality in the room during the day, renewing it. This seems to be a good argument for having plants in the bedroom.
Placing plants in the bedroom introduces a natural component essential to our well-being. Having a plant in your bedroom and spending a few moments caring for it and observing its development can contribute to the serenity associated with this more sheltered space in our homes. It is the place where we look for the calm that precedes the rest period or the energy for another active day.
Plants are also excellent decorative elements. Hanging plants placed on a shelf or a leafy palm tree capable of producing infinite light effects, there are countless options to introduce plants into our bedrooms.

For the most skeptical, still reluctant to share the nocturnal oxygen with plant beings, nature has a surprise in store for them.
Some plants absorb CO2 and release O2 during the night. They are called CAM plants (from the Crassulacean Acid Metabolism) which grow in arid environments with a lot of sun and very low water availability. To avoid water losses due to the opening of the stomata (holes in the leaves through which gaseous exchanges take place in plants) during the day, they developed an alternative process in which they store the CO2 absorbed during the night in molecules that are used in the photosynthetic process during the next day.
Plants of the genus Sansevieria (commonly known as snake plants or mother-in-law's tongue) and the species Zamioculcas zamiifolia (commonly known as Zanzibar gem or ZZ plant) are two indoor plants of the CAM type and excellent options to have in the bedroom. Not only because of the feature described above but also because they are very easy to care for, tolerant of some negligence, and because they produce very little waste. Their vertical growth makes them very convenient for situations where available space is not abundant. Sansevieria is very versatile in terms of light requirements, it tolerates very low light conditions, but it also tolerates several hours of sun well. Zamioculcas zamiifolia is a particularly valuable option for situations where it is necessary to resort to a plant that grows with very little available light.
For those who want to carelessly follow current trends, Chlorophytum comosum (commonly known as Spider plant) and Epipremnum pinnatum (commonly known as Pothos plant) are two excellent options for creating decorative hanging effects on shelves or in macramé. Plants that are very easy to care for and grow quickly are ideal to enthuse both those who are new to the wonderful world of indoor plants and the most experienced caretaker.
Having exposed the considerations that lead us to defend and advise the presence of plants in bedrooms, our answer to the initial question is:
Have plants in the bedroom? Undoubtedly! It only remains to choose the most suitable ones.